Assalamu alaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters
Daily Prayers Start Now i.e Today (Friday) At Prayer Room
Good news everyone! The Prayer Room is now ready for daily prayers from now itself, ie Asr prayer onwards. For the near future, the prayer room will be opened until 7pm on weekdays inshaAllah. So please pray your Isha’ before then.
Please note these important points below:-
- Please bring your own prayer mat (and if you forgot, please use a paper mat under your face and where you put your hands on the carpet)
- Please stand on white velcro marking on floor for daily prayer social distancing. The Black velcro marking is for Friday Prayer gatherings.
- We still do not have permission to use Toilets or Wudu at Prayer Room due to current COVID Safety as determined by the University.
- One person paid and trained by the Uni will always be in Prayer Room from 11 am to 7 pm weekdays. This is also the University requirement. And we thanked University for praying the person at their own expense. This person is placed there to ensure everyone is abiding by the COVID Safe requirements of 1.5m social distancing, standing on white velcro markings and bring your own prayer mat or a large paper. This person is also placed there to clean specific high use surfaces in a specific way as required by Queensland Government.
- As per Government Guidelines, please do not come to the Prayer Room if you have Coronavirus, been tested waiting for results with chance of having it, been in touch with someone who has it or been to Victoria or Overseas in the past 14 days.
A Final Point
Lastly, please ask all Muslim students and staff using the Prayer Room to join this mailing list at for updates likes these from Uni to do with our Prayers at the Musallah / Prayer Room. Thank you also to the volunteers who came today to make Friday Prayers happen so well and smoothly, with Allah’s help, and thanks to attendees for contributing to this as well, may Allah reward you all tremendously. Jazakumullahukhair.
UQ Muslim Chaplain/Imam (Sheikh Aslam Hussain)
Assistant Chaplain (Br Ismail Mohamed)
& UQ Muslim Chaplain Volunteers Team