بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَانِ الرَّحِيمِ

Due to severe weather conditions, tonight’s Friday Night Class is CANCELLED.

InshaAllah we will continue the class again next week with the permission of Allah.


Class Information

The UQ Muslim Chaplain/Imam & Team invite you to

Friday Night Iman & Knowledge
Weekly Sessions


• Learn the knowledge of Qur’an recitation (Tajweed) at a simple level for every Muslim – class by UQ Muslim Chaplain (Sh. Aslam Hussain).

• Understanding life and its challenges from Quran & Hadith from Riyadussalihin of Nawawi (rahimahullah).

Dates: Fridays during semester teaching weeks
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: 39A-208

Your weekly chance to
meet fellow brothers and sisters on campus
and chance to revise knowledge from Quran and Hadith
for purification of our hearts, character and actions.

For more information
Visit Muslim Chaplain at UQ website or email it at info@mcatuq.com