Assalamualaykum Brothers and Sisters,
Please find details of the Eid Adha Prayer at UQ below:
Date: Sunday, 10th July 2022
Venue: Level 4, P3 Multilevel Car Park, (ie Building 98B),
Sir Fred Schonell Drive, St Lucia.
Takbeer Time: 7:15 am
Prayer Time: 7:30 am
Please MUST bring your own prayer mat
Extra requirement by University for attending
– Ensure that you have download the QLD Check-in App. Please see links below
– Please ensure that you are fully vaccinated in order to attend the Prayer at UQ
– Please bring your own prayer mat to the venue
Google Play Store- QLD Check in App | Apple store – QLD Check in App
If you are not doing Eid on 10th July, but doing Eid on 9th July, below are two Eid Prayer locations nearest to us doing Eid on the 9th of July:
West End Masjid
Time: 7:30 am Takbeerat & 8 am Prayer
Address: 12 Princester st, West End
Lutwyche Masjid
Time: 8 am Takbeer and 8:30am Prayer
Address: WA Jolly Park, Wesley St, Lutcwyche
This announcement is from UQ Muslim Chaplain/Imam &
UQ Muslim Chaplain Volunteers’ Team