Assalamualaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters at UQ,

The month of Ramadan is just a few days away and we are all excitedly waiting for fasting, taraweeh, and much more in this amazing month!

Taraweeh 1446H/ 2025 CE

Location: Prayer Room, Musallah (UQ Multi-faith Centre Building 38)

Time of Isha Prayer:

Iqamah will be at 7:30pm until the end of Ramadan.

Taraweeh prayer & witr will commence after sunnah of Isha prayer.

Details of Taraweeh at UQ:

  • We will start Taraweeh with earliest date anyone starts Ramadan with ANIC and we will continue Taraweeh until the last date of Moonsighting so that all students & staff at UQ can pray Taraweeh on their days.
  • We will complete whole Quran Recitation during Taraweeh inshaAllah.
  • We will recite 20 Rakah per night, roughly 1 page per Rakah on most nights, to complete Quran in 28 or 29 nights, inshaAllah.
  • So, those who want to pray 8 Rakah in Taraweeh, can pray 8 Rakah only and leave after it. And those who want to complete Quran, can stay for all 20 Rakah.

May Allah make this Ramadan filled with Iman, ebadah and all sorts of good, ameen!

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

UQ Muslim Chaplain/Imam

(Sh. Aslam)

& Muslim Chaplain’s Volunteer Team

Note: Iftars

Muslim Chaplain/Imam & Volunteers Team will organise the Prayers. We will NOT organise Iftars. Instead, Iftars will be organised by UQ MSA (Muslim Students Association) and other clubs or organisations at various locations at UQ. Please make your financial Iftar contributions to MSA UQ and other Clubs. Muslim Chaplain/Imam will only take occasional donations for cleaning and maintenance of the Prayer Room and not for Iftars